Thursday, March 17, 2011

Rehearsal Boo Boo

Wouldn't you know?! First rehearsal of Harbison today, I go to the ASO Reh Hall to make it easy on the others, who'd just finished an ASO rehearsal there in the morning, I'm warming up doing my abridged Hanon, one colleague enters saying that three others are at my studio - the Octagon - waiting on me / us at my house. So we jump in our cars and 15 minutes later, we finally begin our rehearsal, not exactly in the venue we had originally planned, but we do begin it. Despite the late start, and after apologies all around, we run through the Harbison and it sounds like we performed it twice last week, rather than last a couple of years ago. This is what happens when you work with first rate players at the top of their game. Such a pleasure... :)))))))   Harbison? CHECK!  Next... Gandolfi tomorrow! AT THE OCTAGON for sure!

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